Linking to PSC:
Linking to PSC is simple. All links, pics or text should point to
The actual comics themselves should not be used for linking, nor should artbook pics. (They would make very large banners anyway!) Parts of the aforementioned pics can be used for linking, if you feel like getting creative in Photoshop, but not the whole images. However, do not fret- there are some banners right here that can be used to link back to PSC.
Simple PSC logo link.
More banners on the way! I will also accept handmade banners and give the creators full credit! Send submissions here.
Recipe-style banner
Cool fire mistress banner
Silly Stuffed animeals banner...
Colorful Friendly Banner
"Sex, lies, and flamethrowers!" Banner
Minilinks! Kawaii Japanese-style!
Medium links! Not big, not small, just right!
Link to me, kudasai? Onegaii???
Embrace your PSC.